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Profile number 7669
Profile start 2024-07-23 14:40:52
Profile end 2024-07-23 14:44:46
Timezone LT
Depth 8 meters
Stop interval every 0 meter
Stop duration 0 seconds
Speed Midle
Interval 60 minutes
Max tilt (pitch, roll) 7, 0
Internal website mode OffLine
Instrument and sensors
CTD serial number 1213
CTD type SD208
Sensor set-up CTD
Air pressure 1022.087 mbar
Measure interval 10 seconds
CTD battery count 105513
Voltage and temperature before profile
Winch voltage 27.1 V
Winch temperature 18.8 °C
Voltage and temperature after profile
Winch voltage 27.1 V
Winch temperature 21.9 °C
Battery voltage 14.2 V
Battery temperature 21.9 °C
Weather data
Temperature 17.8 °C
Pressure 1.0154 bar
Wind direction 349.1 °
Wind speed 4.5 m/s
ADCP data
Error code N/A
Status code N/A
Battery voltage N/A
Sound speed N/A
Heading N/A
Pitch N/A
Roll N/A
Pressure N/A
Temperature N/A
Analog input one N/A
Analog input two N/A